2/3rd of the first year has gone, and today is your 8th month little birthday. you weight 21lb and measure 28in long, your hair is a color of linden honey and as soft as feathers. the past month has been long and eventful. you enjoyed decorating your fist christmas tree so much – thanks to the amazing collection of traditional Russian christmas toys from your grandma, each of them having a fairy tale to tell. unwrapping Christmas gifts with your big brother Francesco who came from Italy to spend holidays with us was fun too. following my steps, you started your equestrian lesson with the rocking horse that Santa gave you for Christmas, and continued them in Mexico on a wooden real-size model made for cowboys in sombreros. there, in Mexico you met Argentinian side of your family and spent New Year’s Eve in a tropical paradise crawling all around the house next to the turquoise pool. but paradise can be tricky sometimes (especially if you are not used to it) and there you caught your first 102F+ fever which lasted for 3 days and made both of us cry. it was so painful to see you handsome little face sad and sleepy, not understanding what was going on, but you fought it back like a stubborn little soldier, despite the long flight back home we needed to endure. today is 48 hours since the fever is gone, and you are all smiles and energy again, your sparkling “ojos azules” radiating sunshine. you ARE my sunshine, even on a grey day like this, and when you stretch your arms to me and wrap them around my neck i feel happiness so powerful and empowering i could have never imagined it exists.